The Land of Lands Challenge

The Land of Lands Challenge

A new challenge for the members of When Weirdos Write!

What you have to do:
Each member of the blog will write a story carrying on from the beginning that has already been written for them. Click here for the beginning!
Then, you need to make up a land that Heather and Albert Peliconundromicarrow drive too. For example:

  • The land of nod
  • The Wizarding world (AKA Harry Potter world)
  • The land of Sweets
  • Shape land
You get the gist...

Beth's Land of Lands story
Grace's Land of Lands story
Mudga's Land of Lands story
Alex's Land of Lands story
William's Land of Lands story
Giving Tree's Land of Lands story

Hope you enjoy reading and writing these stories!


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