The Land of Lands, how it all started.

Heather sat in the tree house on a huge beanbag reading a book. As she turned a page, she heard a noise below her. Looking out of the window, she saw her twin brother Albert ascending the ladder. Heather buried her nose deeper into her book, pushing her horn-rimmed glasses further up her freckly nose. The trapdoor opened and Albert climbed into the tree house.
"Hi." he said.
Heather acknowledged him with a nod, not looking up. Albert turned away from her and looked at the shelf mounted on the wall of the tree house. It was full of books, as both of the Peliconundromicarrow twins loved to read. He took down a book about electricity, sat down on a red beanbag, and began to read. After about ten minutes, Heather looked back up at her brother. His black hair was swept out of his face and his brow was furrowed. Heather grinned, she loved watching her brother read. He always looked so stern and was always concentrating very hard. Albert looked up too.
"What?" he asked Heather, seeing her grin.
"Oh, nothing."
Albert raised his eyebrows and was about to disappear behind his book again when there was a grinding noise. Heather heard it too and looked around, thinking that the tree house was about to collapse. She almost got a heart attack. Sitting in the middle of the room was a bright turquoise and red car.
"What, how, where, what?" Heather spluttered staring at the car. "Where did that come from?"
"I have no idea." Albert answered, rather unhelpfully. "Scientifically, that is not possible. However, hallucinations are scientifically correct. Although I doubt we could both see the same thing. Hang on, do we though? What do you see?"
"I see a turquoise and red car." Heather answered.
"Me too." Albert added.
And he strode over to the car and reached out his hand to touch it. As his finger made contact with the car's bonnet, Heather's bushy black hair was swept around her as a gust of wind swept around the tree house, making it sway. Heather gripped the windowsill. As soon as it had started however, it was over, and the tree house had stopped moving. Heather looked at her brother in shock and shakily made her way over to him.
She gasped. As Heather looked at the seats in the car, she saw that the left one, the passenger seat, had her name embroidered on the back of it. And on the right, there was Albert's name.
"Do you think we should get in?" she asked.
"No! How can we trust a car that just magically appeared in the tree house?" Albert shook his head.
However, before either of them had a choice, the wind howled suddenly around them again and Albert and Heather were lifted off their feet and were plonked into the car seats. Their seat belts strapped themselves around the twins and plugged themselves in. Heather looked at Albert, not sure what to think. He looked back at her looking terrified. Then, without warning an archway opened and formed in the wall of the the tree house, with vines wrapped around it. Stretched behind it, was a winding long road. The car lurched forward and started to move along the road. There was a whole other land past the archway, not the Peliconundromicarrow house and their garden!
"Okay, this is terrifying and super scary." Albert said, his hands on the steering wheel. "And I'm not even old enough to drive!"
"Yeah." Heather agreed.
After about ten minutes of driving down the winding road, with nothing but bushes and trees to look at, Albert was feeling more confident at driving and as they rounded a corner, a signpost loomed into view.
"Yay! Something else to look at!" Heather exclaimed happily. Albert pulled the car to a stop at the foot of the signpost.
Where every arrow pointed, there was a road driving into the distance.
"Where should we go?" Albert asked Heather, looking at her.
Heather had already made up her mind.
"There." She said confidently, pointing at an arrow.
Albert steered the car in the direction she was pointing, and started to drive.


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