Tilly Malfoy and Her Adventures in Hogwarts

Character Gallery:

Tilly Malfoy
Simon Mould

As a cloud of smoke filled the train station, Tilly Malfoy looked around her. Unlike everyone else, she was not hugging anyone goodbye. Alone and quiet, Tilly noticed that the small station was buzzing with excitement. People were clambering onto the Hogwarts Express, each compartment quickly filling up with eager students. She wasn’t sure whether she should get on or not – she didn’t feel ready to leave her safe and familiar life behind. Although she was excited about going to Hogwarts, she knew this would be a new chapter in her life; strange and unknown.
Tilly stood out from the crowd. She was short for her age, with a round face and large eyes. The thing that distinguished her the most, though, was her hair: it was turquoise on one side and pink on the other.

Thanks for reading the start of my story! Stay around to read the rest!


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