The Hanging Tree


                       The Hanging Tree

                     Warning, contains spoilers for the book 'Ballad of a songbirds and snake'


Blood pours from my wound, I hastily tie my scarf above my thigh, using it as a tourniquet. I make an

 effort to calm my breath and lie as still as I can. I don't want Coriolanus to find me, but he seems to

 have given up on me, most likely thinking that the wound he just inflicted will kill me. I don't disagree. 

The blood won't stop flowing, and the pain is excruciating. I have to bite my lip not to moan with pain. 

In the distance, I see Coriolanus take one last look about the woods, before heading back for district 12

 using a rushed pace. Finally able to move, I try and sit up, a gasp of pain issues from my lips, maybe 

this will kill me! Tears spring into my eyes, and for the moment, everything seems helpless. 

Rocking back and forth with pain, the scarf finally does its job and the blood stops gushing. Using tuffs 

of moss and my scarf, I create a makeshift bandage that soothes my upper leg. 

I grasp a tree branch that perches above me, and use it to haul myself onto my shaking feet. My left leg

 gives beneath me as I hobble to the small cabin that stands by the lake. A small fire that Coriolanus 

must have started still flickers and I lay beside it and soak up the warmth. Is this where I will die? 

Maybe, at least it's warm. 

Twirling my rainbow frills from my dress between my fingers, I start to slowly whisper the words of my

favorite song. 

“Are you, are you

Coming to the tree?”

More tears flow down my face, the words remind me of Coriolanus. Although he turned on me, shot me, 

tried to murder me...I still love him. 

“Where they strung up a man

They say who murdered three”

Murdered three… the words hit me hard. After all, I would still be friends with Coriolanus if it wasnt for

 the murder that took place while the Covey were performing one of their shows….

“Strange things did happen here, no stranger would it be

If we met at midnight in the hanging tree”

A dim shadow falls on where I lay. Who is it? I think in a panic. Suddenly, I start to scream. No, why 

would he come back? He was going back to 12, he should be back inside the peacekeepers base by 

now, not here! 

My eyes are screwed shut, I don't want to see him while he kills me, I can't bear it. Footsteps sound, he is

 coming closer. Why would Corilanus come back to finish me off?

The needle that jabs my arm is sharp, and a warm fluid is pushed inside me. My eyes start to burn, and

I feel drowsy almost instantly. My brain stops working, I feel numb, tingly sensations run up my arms...

then I fall into a deep sleep, filled with nightmares of me running from Coriolanus.


A pounding ache in my head brings me back, I am not sure where i am. But I am alive. That's what 


I lay in a starch white hospital ward, a few other unconscious patients occupy nearby beds, but for the 

most part the room is empty. 

I try and get a grip on myself, urging myself to sit up. I am stuck. My arms are cuffed to the bed, and a 

metallic band clips my waist to the bed. Panicking, I frantically move about, trying to free myself from my

restraints. No use. 


A nurse dressed in white, prances over to my bed, her freckled face and pale pink lips that are tartly 

pulled into a smile glow eerily in the wards light. She smiles down at me and pushes her emerald 

glasses up her nose. “You woke up, how are you feeling?” she asks kindly. 

“Where am i?” I ask, tears threatening to reappear once again. The girl can’t be any older than I, maybe 

seventeen at the most, and she somehow can tell I'm on the verge of tears. 

“You're safe, and that's all you need to know for now.” she says matter of factly. She pushes a bowl of 

broth into my hands and orders me to drink it up. I do. 

“So, Lucy Gray, how did you end up in the middle of the woods?” the girl asks after I finish my soup. I

 sigh, how can I explain my story without dobbing that Coriolanus is a criminal? 

“I don't yet know your name.” I state instead. This seems to anger the girl as she growls a little in 


“My name's Trink.”

I nod, “lovely to meet you” Trink doesn't reply. A long eerie silence follows, before Trink adjusts some

 knobs on a machine. Instantly, I feel sleepy, and I realise she has pushed more drugs into my system. 

But i don't mind. My eyes slowly flutter shut. And for the first time since the Hunger Games, I don't have

 a nightmare. 


I lose track of time. I slowly regain strength, as for my gun shot wound, it feels like nothing happened.

 My head still pounds. But for the most part I feel better. 

Not much happens, every morning I am woken up to a rather ill-tempered Trink, who orders me to eat 

and tries to get information out of me. She doesn't succeed. I then am knocked out with some drug that I 

can't name, and am woken for dinner which is the same broth like soup. I then am drugged for the night. 

One morning, I open my eyes and find a face pushed up against my own. The boy's nose nearly 

touches mine and his breath smells of soup. I guess that's the only food available here. I muffle a 

scream, and the boy jumps back in fright. Trink, who is scribbling on a clipboard, laughs heartily.

 “Lucy, meet Vamus Everdeen. My cousin.” Trink says, introducing the boy. 

Vamus grins. “I heard you are part of the Covey, I love music!” he says, a smug grin still on his face. 

I try not to laugh, as the boy is so enthusiastic it's comical. 

“Indeed, i am the lead singer and songwriter...Well, I was.” I explain sadly. Vamus smiles. 

“Songwriter? Golly, you are talented. You are also the first district 12 tribute? Right?” I am taken back by

 the boy's knowledge of me. But quickly remember the whole of Panem knows about me. I guess that's 

what happens when you win the Hunger Games. 

“Thats right.” I say. Remembering something, I quickly pipe up. “Oh, about district 12. Where are we?” 

Trink jumps up and starts yelling at Vamus not to tell me, but it's too late. 

“Welcome to district 13!” Vamus cheers. 

I gasp. 13? How was that possible? District 13 was said to be demolished during the dark days. As if 

reading my thoughts, Trink jumps in to explain, “yes, that's right. District 13 is said to be destroyed, but

 actually we have moved underground, and made a deal with the capitol. The deal is simple, we play

 dead, and they leave us alone. It's worked well so far, as everyone believes everyone form 13 was killed,

 and the place demolished.” Vamus picks up where Trink left off. 

“It's great here! You're gonna love it. We live completely underground, and are totally self sufficient. Trust

 me, we are the luckiest district in Panem. Being that the capitol leaves us alone.” 

This information swarms in my head, bringing with it thousands of questions. “So, you guys are playing 

dead for the capitol?” I ask in disbelief. Vamus nods. “But how…” 

Trink irratedly shakes her head. Obviously not wanting to answer questions. “Listen, President Farma,

 president of 13, has decided to take you in. So, i guess...welcome to your new home.”

Vamus grins. “Yes, welcome home. You are also moving out of the hospital today! Your neighbours to me

 and Trink, we live together...because...we are both orphans. Like you i guess,”

I try my best at smiling sympathetically. But I end up awkwardly grimacing instead. 

Trink smiles, “Yes, but it's still early morning. I am afraid Vamus woke you against my orders.” Here, 

Trink throws a look at Vamus that can only be translated as annoyance. Then she turns back to me, and

 pushes drugs into my arms. Once again, I drift to sleep, against my own will. 


My new room is comfortable, starch white like the ward, but it's private. So i dont i mind the unhomeliness.

 A single bed stands to the right, with a chest of drawers on the left. That's it. No  window, or garden, not

 even somewhere to sit. 

A tap at my door brings me to, I hurriedly open the door, to find myself face to face with Trink and

 Vamus. “Hello,” I say. They don't seem to want to come inside, so i dont move out of the doorway. 

“Morning, now. Everyone has their own ocupin district 13. So, your job, what shall it be? Farma wanted

 me to ask you...I don't know why Vamus came.” Trink states. None of us can help giggling over the fact 

Vamus isn't meant to be here. 

I think, what do I want to do to keep busy? Sing. Ofcourse. I think. But are the people of district 13 in need

 of some entertainment? I ask Trink. And she pauses before answering, clearly baffled by the question. 

“Well, i, um. Farma does love music, most of us do. But we don't really have much free time to do

 useless activities as such. But then again, it would boost everyone's spirits…” I cut her off. 

“Sing. I shall perform for my first time tonight. Be sure to run that pass Farma won't you?” Trink nods 

briskly before scurrying off. Vamus, of course, stays behind. I beckon for him to come in, and he does. 


“How old are you, Vamus?” I ask, after he has settled in a corner, and me on my bed. I still need to sit

 after standing for periods of time. My leg won't be the same for at least a year, or so Trink tells me. 

“I’m seventeen. And you're sixteen! Everyone knows about you. Being the first tribute from 12 and all.”

 Vamus tells me, matter-of-factly. I nod my head, I don't know why, but nodding my head seems right. 

“I don't have any real friends. Would you like to be my friend?” Vamus continues. I laugh, because I can 

see why this strange boy wouldn't have any friends. But I agree, I could use some friends myself. 

Trink bursts through the door, not bothering to knock. She trips over her own feet and lands in a heap on

 the floor. Vamus and I burst into tears, rocking back and forth with laughter. Trink steadies herself, and 

joins in the laughing. Not injured. “Now, back to business” she says in between giggles. “Farma says he

 will allow you to perform tonight, he makes no promises that you will continue entertaining before he 

sees you perform. You're on in less than an hour, everyone is coming. Better make yourself at least half


I jump to my feet, wincing as my injured leg takes most of the landing force. I am in a sort of panic. I am 

not prepared to sing or be presented in the public, and I must do both very soon. 

I make a mental note to sing my latest song, the song I wrote before Coriolanus turned on me. The 

hanging tree. 

And before I know it, I am beginning to make my way onto the stage. I am so nervous, what if I fail? In 

Front of all these new people! And worse, I have only ever performed for the most drunk district 12 men.

These people are fully aware of my every move, never having tasted alcohol, as it's strictly prohibited here.

 Somehow, I manage to walk onto the stage, my legs shaking violently. But I get a grip on myself. 

I have done this a thousand times. 

A woman hands me a guitar, and I lean in towards the microphone…

“Hello District 13! My name is Lucy Gray Baird. I am new here, and, well, I must admit I am pretty 

nervous performing in front of people with most likely such high standards!” This makes people laugh,

and I force myself not to sigh with relief. “But here goes, this song,I dedicate to the Covey, my family.

I shall miss them. This song is called The hanging Tree” A round of applause rings, and I swallow hard

before starting. 

“Are you, are you

Coming to the tree?

Where they strung up a man

They say who murdered three

Strange things did happen here, no stranger would it be

If we met at midnight in the hanging tree”

The audience is silent, hopefully enjoying my gruesome song.

“Are you, are you

Coming to the tree?

Where a dead man called out

For his love to flee

Strange things did happen here, no stranger would it be

If we met at midnight in the hanging tree”

No noise, You could hear a pin drop....

“Are you, are you

Coming to the tree?

Where I told you to run

So we'd both be free

Strange things did happen here, no stranger would it be

If we met at midnight in the hanging tree”

I feel good now, no longer nervous, because I have done this one thousand times, this isn't a scary

 group of people with high standards. Just another audience. 

“Are you, are you

Coming to the tree?

Wear a necklace of rope

Side by side with me

Strange things did happen here, no stranger would it be

If we met at midnight in the hanging tree”

I finish, and realise there are hundreds of children in the room. I panic a little, this song isn't for little 


Then, they applaud. It's so loud, I want to block my ears. I smile, they liked it, no, they loved it. I am so 

relieved, I want to cry, but I hold back my tears and bow, passing the guitar back to the lady when a 

short stocky man tells me to stop. So I do. 

The mans cropped red hair and grizzly face resembles a redheaded bear...I instantly nickname him 


Bear strides up to the stage and takes the mic. “Dear district 13, I, President Farma…” I stifle a smile.

I nicknamed the president Bear, I feel guilty, but it's so comical that I don't feel too bad. Farma 

continues… “would like to thank, Lucy Gray Baird, personally, for that riveting song. You wrote that 

piece, didnt you?” I nod my head. “Brilliant!” Then Farma excuses the crowd and I. 


I have the feeling I am being watched. I continue down the hall, making my way to the dining room. I am

 not too far now. But I still have that sickly feeling of being watched. And I think I know who would be 

doing so. “Afternoon, Vamus.” I say, even though I am seemingly alone. 

Vamus appears suddenly, He is a master at hide and seek. “Afternoon Miss Baird.” he says poshly, and

 I stifle a giggle. “You seem happy, i guess you like it here?”

I smile, yes, I am happy. I miss the Covey of course, and even district 12, and, ofcourse, Coriolanus. But

 yes, I am happy. “Hah, like it here? I love it here! And the people.” I give Vamus a teasing punch in the 

arm, and he grins. 

We arrive at the hallway, collecting District 13 signature bowls of broth, we sit at a table with Trink and 

some other young people. “Lucy! I really wanted to meet you! My name's Rina!” I smile at Rina, who is 

a freckled red headed girl, with sweet eyes and a shy grin. 

“Pleasure to meet you Rina. Hey, you should walk with me back to my dorm. If you like.” The girl’s face 

lights up, and i realise i am already a somewhat star here. Rina, of course, accepts my offer. 

 I smile, and realise, I have never been this happy before. Sure, pain and grief still lurks all around me.

 But I am enjoying myself for the first time since the games. And the joy isn't fake. It's actually real this


Three Years Later;

I slip the ring on Vamus’s finger. He smiles, and does the same to me. Farma, reads some more lines from

 a famous book of which I have never heard of. And announces us husband and wife. I have never been

 so happy, and by the looks of it, neither has Vamus. 

He takes my hand, and explains how running down the aisle together after the ceremony is a common

 tradition here in 13. So we do, we run. Together we run, giggling as if we are little children, out the 

wedding hall and into the musky halls of district 13. 

“Mrs Lucy Gray Everdeen.” I say, tasting the name. “I like it” Vamus laughs heartily. 

“So you should, Mrs Everdeen.” Then, in silence, we make our way to our new room. Couples are

 instantly assigned a new room after marriage. Ofcourse, we open the door to find the only thing that's 

different from our old rooms and this room is the larger bed. 

Suddenly serious, Vamus turns to me. “Lucy, do you still miss district 12, and the covey?” 

Of Course i do, the covey is my family and 12 my home, but I never loved those things the way I love 

13 and Vamus, the way I love Trink, it just can't compare. “Ofcourse, but I was never that happy there. 

I am truly happy here though. This is my home.” 

Two years later:

District 12-Vamus Everdeen.

The boy was named Phillip Everdeen. And later would have two daughters, Katniss and Primrose. 

Everyone always told the boy his Mother would be proud of him, but with no existing memories of his 

mother, he didn't believe them. Me, his father, Vamus Everdeen, however, loved the boy more than 

anything else. I live to make him happy, and to make the world better for my son.

I never fully recovered from the tragic death of my wife, Lucy. It had happened so suddenly, she had been

 laying in bed, having just delivered Phillip, she had turned to me and urgently whispered in his ear, 

“Love, I am sorry to leave you. But I must. Its time” Her eyelids drooped close and her lips drained of 

colour. I cried and wept for nights on end. She had been so young, barely twenty five…

I emerged from my room for the first time for months, my neglected newborn son still in the hospital. 

I had been called to a public meeting in the hall. I didn't want to be in public, I needed more time, 

I kept telling Farma, but in the end, I agreed. The hall was filled with people, it seemed everyone in 

district 13 was here. I was ushered up on stage, and Rina, who had taken many singing lessons from

 Lucy, smiled weakly at me, and started singing. 

“Oft I had heard of Lucy Gray:

And, when I crossed the wild,

I chanced to see at break of day

The solitary child.

No mate, no comrade Lucy knew;

She dwelt where none abide

mdash;The sweetest thing that ever grew

Upon the mountainside!

You yet may spy the fawn at play

The hare among the green;

But the sweet face of Lucy Gray

Will never more be seen.


“To-night will be a stormy night—

You to the town must go;

And take a lantern, Child, to light

Your mother through the snow.”

“That, Father! Will I gladly do:

'Tis scarcely afternoon —

The village clock has just struck two,

And yonder is the moon!”

At this the Father turned his hook,

To kindling for the day'

He plied his work; — and Lucy took

The lantern on her way.

As carefree as a mountain doe:

A fresh, new path she broke

Her feet dispersed the powdery snow,

That rose up just like smoke.

The storm came on before its time

She wandered up and down;

And many a hill did Lucy climb:

But never reached the town.

The wretched parents all that night

Went shouting far and wide;

But there was neither sound nor sight

To serve them as a guide.

At daybreak on a hill they stood

That overlooked the scene;

And thence they saw the bridge of wood,

That spanned a deep ravine.

They wept &mdash and, turning homeward, cried,

"In Heaven we all shall meet!";

— When in the snow the mother spied

The print of Lucy's feet.

Then downwards from the steep hill's edge

They tracked the footmarks small;

And through the broken hawthorn hedge,

And by the long stone-wall;

And then an open field they crossed:

The marks were still the same;

They tracked them on, not ever lost;

And to the bridge they came.

They followed from the snowy bank

Those footmarks, one by one,

Into the middle of the plank;

And further there were none!

— Yet some maintain that to this day

She is a living child;

That you may see sweet Lucy Gray

Upon the lonesome wild.

O'er rough and smooth she trips along,

And never looks behind;

And sings a solitary song

That whistles in the wind.”

No cheers, no clapping. The song was about Lucy herself, or so it seemed. For district 13 had found her

 in the middle of the wild, and whisked her away. And so making the whole of Panem believe she merily

 disappeared. I was so overwhelmed. I decided to move. So me and Phillip left 13, and moved to 12. 

And so, district 13 decided that if someone should dare ask, about the fairytale of Lucy Gray Baird, 

the answer would simply be in the song. Ofcourse, this was just a small lie, the song wasn't actually true, 

and that's not what really happened to Lucy. But as more and more people lied, saying that yes, of course 

the song is true, and that yes that's what really happened to the rainbow girl. They themselves believed it.

 And soon, all true memories of the girl were erased. And she became a legend. 

But a few people, hidden and scattered throughout Panem, still believe that she did indeed exist. And 

whether you believe that or not. Is up to you. 



  1. Oh. My. Gosh. That was amazing. You are soo talented!!! :O 👏🏻


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