I am now on my yearly holiday in the English countryside. I did not book anything i just packed my bag called my dog spike and left my house. I hiked into the mountains with no money or food i have my rifle slung over my shoulder for if i come across any pigs or wild sheep.

After two days of hiking i finally found a small cabin in a clearing. It was by far the most beautiful sight i had ever seen there was lush green grass a small bridge over a small stream there were tall trees on the sides and two mountains topped with snow.

I walked over to the cabin but found another relatively smaller cabin I walked inside the bigger cabin and found a furnace and a sink. I searched the top level but did not find anything except a few trunks The roof has a few cracks but apart from that the cabin is in perfect condition.

As i walk out of the first cabin my breath is just taken away by the beautiful landscape.

I walk over to the second cabin wondering who lived here. AS i open the door my German shepherd starts growling at the door then he starts barking i walk over to the window to see inside and see a family of foxes. I walk back to spike hold his collar and as soon as the door is open the family bolts out into the woods. 

I walk in and find it in pretty good condition there is even a box of tools "must have been a workshop i guess.

After my 3 weeks at the cabin i have made a decision that will change my life for ever.


I now live at the two cabins i have constructed a bed and build things in my workshop the winters are hard and cold but i survive spike is now a guard dog and sleeps outside. I have set up some crops and i am now well and    



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