Jean Filch - A Harry Potter Story

Jean Filch
by Mudga

 Chapter 1: The Wand
 Jean Filch hurried through the crowds of Diagon alley, up ahead she could just see the outline of her best friend, Lily Evans. Lily's dark red head kept bobbing into view. Jean and Lilly finally found a less crowded spot and sat on the stone floor, outside of Flourish and blotts."Lets see what we need" said Lily opening her Hogwarts letter and reading aloud "a wand, well my mum said we get them from a shop called Olivanders." They stood up and looked around the crowded streets. "lets ask for directions" said Jean. A handsome young boy with dark eyes and dark hair was walking towards them. Jean reached out and tapped him on the shoulder. He spun around and looked at both of them. "Hi, my names Jean Filch" Jean held out her hand but the boy didn't shake it he just looked at it, Jean lowered her hand. "Whats yours?" The boy answered proudly "Tom, Tom Riddle" Tom said. "Cool name! Hey do you know where Olivanders is?" "yes, its over there" Tom pointed to an old looking brick shop. "Thanks!" Jean grabbed Lily's arm and pulled her across the street and to the door of Olivanders. Lily pulled the door open and a tiny bell rang above their heads. Olivander was dusting his countertop, he turned around and smiled "hello, need a wand?" he asked placing his duster down on the floor. "yes please sir" Lily said as she navigated around the piles of wands and boxes "well then, will this be your first wand?" he asked, inspecting Lily "yes"Lily said, excitement in her voice "i might have just the wand for you, yes, i think i do" he walked over to a shelf and pulled a box down, and opened the box revealing a beautiful wand. " yes. This is 10 inches and a quarter, its long and made of willow, but sadly its core is unknown its very  good for charms and is swishy. Here try it out, wave it around" Lily took the wand into her hands and raised it over her head she slowly waved it around, pink sparks shot out the end of the wand and flew around the room before vanishing. "yes! yes! yes! brilliant i tell you! Well that's you done" Lily smiled weakly. "now you" he beckoned for Jean. Again Olivander inspected Jean but frowned. "I'm not sure about you, your showing strange signs, signs I've rarely seen before..." he frowned "a boy came in around an hour ago, dark hair dark eyes, he was the same, very strange, took a long time to find him a wand" Jean knew he was talking about Tom he had to be. "what wand did he get?" Lily asked from the corner of the room.  "13 and a half inches long, made out of yew and had a phoenix feather core. Very rare wand indeed... Anyway we will just start with random wands and hopefully we will find one that fits you" 
But after hours of searching they were no closer to finding a wand. "Well, the other thing that could give us a clue to what type of wand you need, is your parents!" said Olivander "What type of wands do they have?" he panted. Jean sighed "I'm not sure, they don't have wands anymore the dementors snapped them in half they both have life sentences in Azkaban, i was born in Azkaban,  i lived there till i was 9 then my brother found out that i was still there and picked me up now, i live with him and his family" Olivander nodded "right, I'm sorry," Jean nodded "OK so, lets work with other family members, your brothers wand?" "he is a squib" "ah yes of course Argus Filch? caretaker of Hogwarts? yes, i know him" Olivander nodded. "So lets see i have a stash of wands that are very powerful! The most powerful wands created, i have never had to use them though.... maybe we will look there." He shuffled over to a cabinet and opened the bottom drawer. He extracted an old dusty wooden box and opened it up. Inside were an assortment of wands, Olivander pulled out a wand and put the box aside, "well, I'm not certain but this could work" he handed Jean the wand "11 inches, bendy, made of ash and has unicorn hair for the core" Jean raised it and waved it around a little, suddenly a snake erupted from the wands tip, its faint green glow bounced of the walls of the shop and turned the air green. The snake hissed and slithered turning this way and that way. The snake slowly turned into nothing and soon had vanished from sight. Jean looked around frightened "what was that? My wand only made sparks!" cried Lily as she trembled in the far corner. "I'm not sure, but that wand is definitely made for you Miss Filch" Olivander said, slightly shaking himself. Jean and Lily quickly paid for the wands and left the shop a little distressed "you know a snake is the signature for the Slytherin house?" Lily asked worried, Jean nodded and they both quickly walked as far away from Olivanders as they possibly could.

Chapter 2:  Hogwarts Express
 The next day Jean found herself on platform nine and three quarters, beside Lily and her muggle family. The Hogwarts express had just pulled in and everyone was saying their last goodbyes. "Well, be safe Lily" said Ms. Evans hugging her daughter again "say bi Petunia" Ms. Evans said nudging Petunia, Petunia grunted and turned to face the other way. Lily and Jean hurriedly picked up their trunks and owl cages and tore of towards the train. They found an empty compartment and sat next to each other. "wow can you believe it! We are actually on our way to Hogwarts!" Lily said a little over excitedly "yeah its cool and kind of scary" Jean admitting her fears squirmed in her seat would she be in Slytherin? she thought to herself for the one thousandth time. Meanwhile Tinky, Jeans new barn owl hooted and cried in her cage, filling the compartment with a lot of noise. The Hogwarts express started to chug through the country side spitting grey clouds of smoke from the chute. They were about an hour into the trip when the compartment door slid open and a tall lanky girl came in "everything all right? I'm Hailey Rool, prefect, and headgirl of hufflepuff!" she said proudly "well I'm on patrol very busy so i guess i will keep going!" Hailey walked through the compartment and slammed the door shut behind her. 

The train wound through green hills and drove past muggle towns. They had been on the train for what seemed forever now. The train was unusually quite and the only sound that could be heard was the faint click of mechanism, suddenly there was a loud crack and the sound of people screaming and shouting. The compartment doors slid open once again and in entered Tom Riddle followed by Hailey Rool, "hey could he sit in this compartment? His seat was just blown up by some boy in year two!" without waiting for an answer Hailey pushed Tom into the empty seat and marched of. "Hello, again" Tom said angrily shoving his owl cage under his seat, ignoring the cry's and protests from the poor owl. "hey, who blew up your seat?" Lily asked trying to make conversation "Some annoying kid, i think he said his name was James Rotter" Tom said even angrier. "I can't believe that he would do that! Its so rude! Must be a bully,  but its still a bit intence blowing your seat up!" Lily ranted furiously. Tom nodded. "So anyway what subject are you looking forward to the most? For me its definitely going to be learning about the dark arts!" Jean thought for a few moments "charms" she said after a while "definitely charms" Lily sat up straight in her chair "for me its potions!" she said dreamily. "ah, all of that is boring! Dark arts is way cooler! Did you know, Dark artist can speak to snakes! In a language called Parseltounge its a super rare ability, I can speak it!" Tom said proudly holding his head high. "wow, that's creepy, show us!" said Lily slumping into her seat again. "OK" Tom took a deep breath closed his eyes and spoke "we are almost at Hogwarts" Lily's mouth fell open and she stared at him dumbfounded. "You sounded like a snake! You were hissing and... that was freaky!" Lily panted "Jean wasn't that cool?"
Jean could not believe it she couldn't speak, she had understood him, first the snake and now she could understand Parseltounge!
Jean screwed her eyes shut and hoped that she wouldn't be in Slytherin.  

Chapter 3: Start-of-term Feast
  The changing room on the express was small and cramped. Jean peered into the mirror. A tall girl with long whitish blonde hair down to her back with dark green eyes, stared back at her. Jean sighed. She hated being part veela. 
The Hogwarts express pulled into the Hogwarts station, Jean tugged at her new black robes, she liked wearing muggle clothes better.
 Tom, Lily and Jean clambered of the train pulling their trunks behind them and clasping their owl cages "first years! first years! First years please follow me!" shouted a wizard with a fat belly, they walked with the large crowd of first years towards the lake where the fat wizard was. "Great, oh my there is a lot of you!" the wizard chuckled "Welcome to Hogwarts everyone! I am Professor Slughorn we will be traveling by boat! Pairs of four OK?" Slughorn shouted "Wanna be in our boat?" Jean asked Tom, Tom nodded enthusiastically "We need a fourth person!" Lily shouted to everyone. A boy with long jet black hair that curved around his face walked towards them "can i be in your boat?" he asked, Lily smiled, "of course I'm Lily Evans this is my friend Jean Filch and this is Tom Riddle" Lily said smiling a lot "oh cool, my names Severus Snape, but do not call me Severus! I like Snape better" The four of them climbed into the boat and Tom grabbing the oars started rowing. The lights of Hogwarts reflected on the water. Hogwarts towers loomed high in the sky, it was almost scary, but beautiful. They docked on the other side of the lake and walked through the oak doors and into the great hall. Floating Candles lit the large room, their flames flickering and twitching. The roof of the Great hall was a magnificent purple with thousands of stars strewn over the sky, it was identical to what the sky looked like outside. A young witch in purple robes with a purple witches hat placed on her head, her hair tied in a bun was directing students to their tables. "Welcome, now before we eat, all of the first years come forward, and get ready to be sorted! I am Professor Pikaloo,  transfiguration teacher" Jean and all the other first years made their way towards the front, Pikaloo placed a stool in front of them and placed an old torn dusty hat on top, the hat opened its mouth and started coughing he cleared his throat but he could not speak. Pikaloo sighed "Sorry everyone but The sorting hat has been rather ill, so there will be no song! But let me tell you about each house. The Gryffindors are daring and brave. The Slytherins cunning and ambitious, Ravenclaws are smart and kind. Hufflepuffs are hardworking and loyal. Now, on with the sorting! First a few notes, the sorting hat is never wrong! Whatever house you are put in is because you are meant to be in that house! Now when i call your name come forward and put the hat on, once you have been sorted go to your houses table. Right..." Pikaloo scanned all the nervous faces before continuing "Molly Weasley" A girl with flaming red hair walked up the front, sitting, she placed the hat on her head "GRYFFINDOR" the Gryffindor table applauded as Weasley sat at the table. "Tom Riddle" Tom walked up the front and sat on the stool he raised the hat over his head but before the hat could touch his head it started to yell "SLYTHERIN" Dumbledore raised his eyebrows, he seemed unimpressed. Tom seemed happy with his house and marched with his head high towards the Slytherin table. 

Jean closed her eyes wishing she was somewhere else, anywhere else, just not here.  Please dont let me be in Slytherin! She prayed. "Jean Filch" Pikaloo shouted. Jean's breath got caught in her throat, she couldn't move, couldn't breath from fear. I have to move, i must go forward, do it! just do it!  But she couldn't. "Jean Filch! Please come forward, Miss Filch!"  Pikaloo watched them all looking for who Jean was. Jean's face went bright red. What am i doing? Everyone will make fun of you! Go forward! Go forward!Lily gave Jean a little shove and before Jean could stop herself, Jean was seated on the stool, holding the sorting hat in her shaking hands. Put it on! Her hands twitched and shook, she could feel the hundreds of eyes staring at her, the whole school was watching her every move. Jean placed the hat on her head. "SLYTHERIN!" Jean sat dumbstruck. This was all a nightmare, this couldn't be happening! Yet, Jean had known deep down that she would be in Slytherin, from the moment the snake had erupted from her wand at Olivanders. Jean stood her knees shaking uncontrollably. The Slytherin table erupted in cheers. Jean sat next to Tom, glad that she at least knew someone. 

The rest of the sorting passed in a blur, the only thing Jean could remember was Lily being sorted into Gryffindor, she could she the back of her siting happily at the Gryffindor table, on the other side of the Great Hall. Snape had been sorted into Slytherin and was now chating happily with Tom. Dumbledore's speech had been short, and Jean could not remember a word of it. 

Jean had never felt so lonely, she did not eat a single bite of food. She had lost her appetite. "I can speak Parseltounge!" Tom was telling a group of people. He closed his eyes and spoke in the same deep voice "I am a true Slytherin" He said proudly, and everyone said the same thing "you were hissing!" Jean sighed. When Dumbledore announced that it was time to go to the common rooms, Jean was filled with relief. Now i can go to bed! She thought as she followed the Slytherins down a staircase, into the dark stone dungeons. They came to a bare stretch of stone wall, and an older boy yelled at the wall "slithery pompki" He shouted. "That's the new password!" the stone wall slid open revealing a stone room, the walls were draped with Slytherin banners all resembling the green snake. Green couches were placed around a lit fireplace. The sound of crackling fire filled the room as all the students entered.  The room was dingy and badly lit. The cold stone walls grey and plain.  Jean wondered what the other common rooms were like. Nicer than this one? Jean climbed the spiral staircase to the girls dormitory.  She didn't want to speak to anyone. The girls’ dormitory was the same as downstairs, dark, dingy, the cold stone walls and roof, Slytherin banners were everywhere you looked, draped over chairs, stuck to the walls, and folded on top of beds. There was a small 4 poster bed in the far corner, with Slytherin curtains and Slytherin bedspreads. Jeans trunk and empty owl cage were placed on top of the bed. Jean sighed and sat down on the bed. She pinched herself just to make sure this wasn't a nightmare, but no, she was officially in Slytherin.

Chapter 4: The Snake
It was breakfast the next day, the Great Hall was filled with kids. Jean was sitting at the far corner of the Slytherin table, on her own. Tom was surrounded by other kids, all walking to her side of the table. Please don't sit with me! She thought. But they came and sat with her, even though it was clear she didn't want them to "Hey Jean! Don't look so upset! Meet all of my new friends, you can join our little friend group if you want, actually maybe not" Jean smiled weakly. "Hello, my names Narcissa Lestrange. This is my sister Bellatrix" Bellatrix smirked, she was very pretty, with black eyes and very curly black hair. There was an evil look to her. "I'm in year 2" Bellatrix added with a toss of her hair. Narcissa sighed "she is a bit of a bragger" Bellatrix rolled her eyes. "Hey! I'm Avery" Said a boy with large front teeth. The group of kids gathered around Tom. "He can speak parseltounge you know!" Avery said picking food out of his large teeth. "Yeah i know" Jean said, and added in a whisper "so can i" But it was no good. Avery had heard her and yelled "you can speak it to?" Jean blushed as the group of kids looked at her. "WHAT?" roared Tom angrily. Mad that now he wasn't the only one with this special ability . "Well i don't know if i can speak it but i do understand it" Jean said rolling her spoon between her fingers. "Prove it" Yelled Tom angrily. "Um, well, i don't know exactly what to do." Jean said, embarrassed. Tom sneered "close your eyes, and imagine a snake, then speak, it should work, well that's if you can actually speak it!" A grin spread across his face. "OK" Jean closed her eyes. She tried to picture a snake. As a snake appeared in her imagination she heard a faint hissing sound. Its just your imagination! She told herself. A loud scream erupted from nearby. Jean opened her eyes. A large green snake was slithering on the floor. Jean screamed. It twisted its long body around the wooden leg of the table. There was a loud crash as Dumbledore jumped up knocking his table over. He strode over to the Slytherin table with his wand pointed at the snake, Dumbledore flicked his wand and the snake disappeared. Tom smiled wickedly. "It was Jean!" He yelled at Dumbledore, who merrily nodded. "Jean, please come to my office at eight this afternoon." He then bent low and whispered in her ear "Password is chocolate frogs" He straightened up and returned to his seat at the front of the room. 

As it was Jeans first day at Hogwarts, the day should have been fun and exciting. But every class seemed to last a lifetime, every hour dragged by slowly. What did Dumbledore want? Where had that snake come from? Thoughts flooded her head. Making it impossible to focus on her lessons. 

It was now dinner time, and the Great Hall was as full as ever. As Jean walked past the Gryffindor table Lily stood up and ran waving her arms."Jean!! I wanted to see you sooner but was busy..." "Hanging out with other friends? Yeah, now your a Gryffindor and all! I guess you should hang out with people inside your own house" Jean said trying to push the anger out of her voice. Lily had reached Jean now, and they were standing face to face. Lilly should have hung out with me. Not other people! Jean thought. Lily looked sad. "Oh, no its not like that Jean"  She said desperately. Lily sighed. "I'm sorry, but its hard to fit hanging out with old friends into such a tight schedule!" She said playing with her robes. "OLD friends? So now that we have been in different houses for one day I'm an old friend?" Jean was so angry. Lily had always been her best friend, and now they were yelling at each other. Lily looked on the verge of tears she was stuttering and struggling to speak. "But Jean, i tried to see you!" she sobbed "I looked everywhere for you at Lunch, i couldn't find you." Lily paused "Plus, i didn't think that it would upset you if there was one day we didn't see each other!" Lily sniffed as Jean checked her watch, it was 7: 50 .  Jean needed to go. "I gotta go" Jean said. "What? Where? Why? Its dinner time" Lily sobbed. "Yeah, I'm meeting..." Jean paused. "Someone" she said meanly. Lily wiped her eyes furiously with the sleeve of her robe. "Who? Who are you meeting?" She sobbed. Jean thought for a moment. Should i tell her? "Well, you know its not public information" Jean said shrugging "sorry" Jean turned to leave but Lily grabbed her shoulder. "It's not fare! I'm your best friend! Tell me!" Jean spun around to face Lily. "Well your the one who just said i was an OLD friend! Obviously you have some new besties!" And with that Jean stormed out of the Great Hall. Lily sobbing behind her. 

Chapter 5: Dumbledore
 "Chocolate Frogs" Jean yelled at the gargoyle, who jumped back at the sound of the password. Behind the gargoyle was a twisty staircase leading to Dumbledore's office. Jean ran up the stairs, anger from her fight with Lily was flowing through her. At the top, Jean stopped at the front of a white door that had neat words printed on it, reading furiously fast Jean realized it was indeed Dumbledore's office. Jean opened the door angrily, to find Dumbledore sitting at his desk looking at her. I forgot to knock! Jean realized a little to late. Dumbledore cleared his throat "You forgot to knock" He said calmly. "Yeah, right, sorry, kinda forgot" Jean mumbled. "Sit" Jean sat on the empty chair, which was on the opposite side of Dumbledore's desk. It was then that Jean realized how cool the room was. It was a pure white, circular room. Row after row of tools and magical items lined the walls. On the high walls were portraits of previous headmasters. All were watching her closely. "So, Jean your last name is??" Dumbledore asked peering over his half moon spectacles. "Filch, Jean Filch" She said automatically. "Right, now i have employed your brother, who i believe is a squib?" Jean nodded, not knowing why they were talking about this. "Your parents, unless my information is faulty which no doubt it might be, are currently serving life sentences in Azcabban?" He talked so calmly that he might be talking about the weather, not a child's parents who were in Azcaban. "Yes that's correct." Jean said, her anger slowly subsiding. "No other siblings, youngest child, both parents true Slytherins, i remember." Dumbledore's eyes twinkled as he spoke. "yes, um, Dumbledore why are we talking about this? Aren't we supposed to be talking about the snake?" Jean asked, getting frustrated at Dumbledore's slow way of talking. "Professor, Dumbledore. That's what you will call me, call me sir" Dumbledore's voice didn't quiver at the least. "Now, you spent nine years in Azcaban, i believe. Your brother didn't know about you, until nine years after your birth, and he came and took you away?" Dumbledore asked. "Yes, SIR" Dumbledore did not pick up on the sarcasm in Jeans voice.  "Now, what does all this have to do with the snake? You ask. Well, i asked Miss Bellatrix, You were trying to speak Parseltounge, correct?" Jean couldn't help herself and soon she had exploded and was telling the whole story to Dumbledore "Its just that when Tom Riddle spoke in Parseltounge i understood him! So, I'm not sure what that means, but then when they found out i spoke it, or at least understood it, Tom said close your eyes and imagine a snake then talk. So i imagined a green snake then all of a sudden that exact snake was alive and real!" Jean finished. She was embarrassed that she had lost her temper, but glad that he now knew the full story. "That's the story, sir" she added quietly. "Well that's where your family comes in, it is possible you are the long lost Heir of Slytherin! But the only thing making that theory wrong, is that I'm nearly one hundred percent sure that Tom Riddle is the Heir." Jean stayed silent. "There is a very rare ability, called Asadayoo. It is where a person can imagine anything they want and it will appear. Maybe you have it? If you do then that's where the snake came from!" Jean was struggling to understand Dumbledore "So.." she started "So maybe I'm the Heir, but you think I'm not because you think Tom is. But i have Asadaddoowhat?" Jean concluded " Asdayoo, yes, and the only way to know for sure is to test. Now imagine a piece of treacle tart. Go!" 

Jean closed her eyes, she imagined a lovely piece of delicious Treacle tart. She focused on the image in her mind as hard as she could. "Open" said Dumbledore calmly. Jean's eyes fluttered open. In front of her was a Treacle tart! "I did it!" She cried in excitement. "Yes, yes you did! Which means that yes, you have Asadayoo, indeed!"

That night Jean could not sleep at all. She tossed and turned. Lily's sad face kept weaving in and out of her thoughts. Her mind kept repeating hers and Dumbledore's conversation. I'm an Asadayoo!Is that good or bad? She couldn't decide. 
  The next morning finally arrived. Jean jumped out of bed and hurriedly fondled with her robes, she was not yet used to putting them on. She was used to muggle clothes. Once dressed, she packed her satchel, she placed her three quills and all her notebooks safely inside, she double checked her homework before stuffing that inside as well, she slid her wand into her back pocket. Ready to go, Jean followed the crowd of Slytherins into the Great Hall. I will make it up to Lily She told herself. 

Lily was sitting with Molly Weasley and a girl who's bright pink hair made everything else look plain and boring, Snape was standing next to them. Jean hurriedly thought through what she was going to say before slowly approaching her. "Hello Lily" Jean said in a whisper. Lily glared at her. "What do you want?" she said tartly. Molly and the pink haired girl watched the two of them. "I'm sorry, i didn't mean what i said yesterday." Lily looked mad. "Who did you meet?" She yelled angrily. Everything was going wrong, in Jeans mind, Lily had not cared about yesterday. "Lily, i can't tell you! I promised i wouldn't tell anyone!" Jean pleaded. "Well until you tell me I'm afraid we can't be friends!" Lily was bright red in the face now. Should i just tell her? No. I promised Dumbledore i wouldn't tell anyone! "Fine!" Jean spat.
  Jean stormed of, she plonked herself in front of Bellatrix. "Hey, how was your meeting with Dumbledore?" she asked shoving a piece of egg into her mouth. "How did you know?" Jean asked, surprised. "Oh, well, Dumbledore trusts me, he asked me what happened, and what you were doing when the snake appeared."  Bellatrix lowered her voice to a whisper "So, did you two figure out how the snake appeared?" she whispered. Jean wasn't sure why she told Bellatrix, but she ended up explaining everything, how she was an Asadayoo and how she had made the snake and the treacle tart. "Well, that's really cool" Bellatrix said after Jean had finished her story. It was time for classes. Jean and Bellatrix hurried out of the Great Hall. 

Chapter 6: Gellert Grindelwald
 Jean should never have trusted Bellatrix. She had told the whole school, and now everywhere Jean went people would whisper about her or ask for her autograph. "Are you an actual Asadayoo?" Avery asked one day as they lounged in the common room. It was night time and the common room was slowly emptying as people went to bed. "Yes" Jean said. She had answered this question so many times. Now the only people in the common room was: Jean, Avery, Tom, Narcissa and Snape. Tom was not talking to Jean, he was mad that she was getting so much attention. "Well prove it! Make something!" Snape said crossing the room to stand next to Avery. "What? Prove it? I'm sorry, but i don't think Dumbledore...."
Tom cut Jean of "What?  Come on, how will Dumbledore find out anyway? In fact i have always wanted to try a packet of Berty Botts every flavor jellybeans, but i never have. Make me a packet" Tom demanded. "Fine!" Jean was so frustrated. She forced her eyes closed and imagined a packet of Berty Botts every flavor jellybeans. She focused on it for a while before holding out her hands. A cardboard box fell into her hands. Jeans eyes wrenched open there was a packet of Berty's beans. Tom greedily snatched them up. "Thanks" he muttered. Snape's mouth was open and Avery was gaping at her. Narcissa merrily smiled and said "Nice" "OK, OK, make me a.." Avery started. But he was cut of, a loud defiant crack split the air. Screams echoed through the school walls. Tom dropped his half gone packet of jellybeans, and jumped under a small wooden table. Narcissa dropped her half complete homework and covered her face with her hands. Avery was now screaming obnoxiously. Snape was the only smart one, he had drawn his wand sensibly and was now pointing it at the wall. "Good idea" Jean mumbled, as she fumbled with her wand, even though they only knew two spells, Jean thought it more sensible to have it in her hand then in her pocket. The two spells were Wingardium Leviosa and alohomora. An unlocking spell and a flying spell, both would be totally useless in a duel, but it seemed safe to have it. Everyone else followed her lead, drawing their wands. Another crack and more screams, A bang followed, with more yells and cries. "Come on let’s see whats happening!" Said Snape, he led the way, his wand still drawn. They hurriedly left the common room and followed the sound of screams. They ran past the Great Hall, and up the staircase. Down a few corridor's and through a lopsided door. The yelling and noises were getting closer, the sounds led them to the gargoyle outside Dumbledore's office. Tom angrily through his wand at the floor, but quickly picked it up after. "Great! We need a password to get through!" He yelled. I know the password! Jean realized excitedly. "Chocolate Frogs!" Jean yelled. The gargoyle slid back to reveal the staircase. "Great!" Narcissa said, patting Jean on the shoulder, they all ran up the stairs as fast as they could. "It's coming from Dumbledore's office!" Jean yelled leading the way. Once at the top, Jean wrenched the door open and the five of them burst into the room. 

Dumbledore was standing with his wand pointed at a man with blonde hair, with a sudden shock Jean realized she had seen this man in the papers "Grindelwald?" Snape spluttered. Grindelwald laughed a mean and throaty laugh "Yes, it is i, Gellert Grindelwald." Gellert said heartily.  Dumbledore took this moment to cast a spell. "Incarcerous!!" he yelled. Gellert fell to the floor with a thud as ropes bound him. "Get out of here!" Dumbledore yelled. Grindelwald was slowly breaking through the ropes. They did not have much time. "GO! SHOO!" Dumbledore's always- to calm -voice was gone, he was panting hard, and his half-moon spectacles kept slipping down his sweaty nose. "NO!" Jean yelled. But the other's had different plans they were already half way down the stairs, fleeing. "I can help!" Jean pleaded. Gellert was now free his wand pointed at Jean. I'm going to die! She was petrified. "ASADAYOO!" Dumbledore shouted. At first Jean didn't understand, but suddenly it dawned on her, she could create something to help her! She closed her eyes. I need a muggle shield! she pictured an extra-large shield. Then two things happened At the same time, Jean placed the shield in front of her body and Gellert shouted "AVADA KEDAVRA!" Green sparks flooded the room. A yell that pierced the air erupted. The force of the spell knocked Jean over. the shield cam crashing down on top of her. Then everything faded. 

Chapter 7: The Daily Prophet
Jeans eyes fluttered open, she had a killer head ache and her vision was fuzzy. Jean was lying in the Hospital Wing, on a starched, crisp white bed. Madam Pomfrey, a young witch who looked like she should still be in school was helping another patient. Seated next to her on a wooden seat was a very white faced Lily. "OH! I'm so sorry! i should never have been so mean! How are you feeling?" Lily asked when she saw that Jean was awake. "Not very good. What happened?" Jean tried to sit up but the pain in her head forced her to lie back down. "I'm not aloud to tell you, Dumbledore said to get him once you woke up, see you later" Lily jumped of her seat and scrambled to the door.

Not long after Lily left the door clicked open again, and Dumbledore strode in. "Well Miss Jean. Ever since you have come to Hogwarts you have been quite a handful."  Dumbledore said sitting on the chair where Lily had been. "What happened?" Jean asked, discouraged by this comment. "Well, Gellert tried to use the Killing curse on you. But looks like that muggle thingy worked. It stopped the curse from killing you, but shattered shortly afterwards. Do not worry, everyone is fine, Gellert is gone, he survived, and vanished after he cast the spell and it failed. I'm not sure HOW he got into Hogwarts. But i have doubled the security, just to be safe." Dumbledore was still talking in an all to calm voice."Anyway, when you want, you can leave the hospital. No need for you to stay here for any longer." Dumbledore smiled before left.

 The pain in Jeans head slowly subsided. Once her head was better, she said a rushed thank you to Madam Pomfrey before hurrying out of the hospital wing. She breathed in the fresh air, the hospital wings air had been stale and smelly. It was early morning Jean realized. Everyone would be in the Great Hall, so that's where Jean ran. Once at the Great Hall, Jean realized there was a great commotion. Everyone was separated into small groups peering at a copy of The Daily Prophet. Lily beckoned for her, Jean walked over to Lily, she was with the bright pink haired girl, Molly Weasley and Snape. "Look at this!" Snape said thrusting the Prophet under Jeans nose. On the front page, there was a picture of Dumbledore and a slightly smaller photo of Jean. It read:

Horror in Hogwarts
Hogwarts, school of witchcraft and   wizardry has recently been attacked by none other than the sinister Gellert Grindelwald. Gellert, an old friend of Dumbledore's broke into his office late at night. "It is only obvious that Dumbledore permitted Grindelwald access into Hogwarts. Why? Dumbledore is an odd man and no one but himself will ever understand his ways" quotes a lady who does not want her name mentioned. According to young Miss Narcissa Lestrange, a first year at Hogwarts, Jean Filch a part veela Asadayoo, tried to fight Grindelwald. But Dumbledore instead tied Gellert up and told her to leave. Disobeying Dumbledore, Gellert broke free of the ropes and tried to kill Jean. But being an Asadayoo she made a shield which protected her. "Dumbledore was being suspicious, almost trying to protect Gellert." Jean says after recovering over night. "This matter is taboo, no one will speak of the time Gellert broke into Hogwarts. Extra protection has been placed around Hogwarts. The matter should be forgotten" Albus Dumbledore says to the ministry late at night. Sounds like a cover up? The question is now, Do we sack him? "It may be a blessing in disguise, its time Hogwarts got what they all deserved,a GOOD headmaster." says minister of magic.

Jean could not believe it. "It's all lies" she cried, passing the paper back to Snape "lies i tell you!" Lily nodded "Of course it was all made up. It's just, sack Dumbledore! They cannot do that!" she was very red in the face. The pink haired girl turned to Jean "Tonks" she said frowning. "Jean" they shook hands. Meanwhile breakfast had appeared on the tables. Jean sadly walked towards the Slytherin table. She couldn't eat, she was sick with worry. They can't sack Dumbledore she reminded herself again. After breakfast Jean made her slow way to the potions class. 

Weeks went by, nothing more was said about Grindelwald and Dumbledore. In fact, it was against the law to talk about it. Snow slowly covered the grounds of Hogwarts, the air turned icy and the Christmas countdown had started. Jean would be staying for Christmas, even though most people were leaving. 

Chapter 8: Christmas
 Jean woke early on Christmas morning. She looked around, Bellatrix and Narcissa were huddled around their piles of gifts talking excitedly. Jean looked at her three small gifts, then back at the mountain of stuff on Narcissa's bed. Jean unwrapped her first gift, It was from Lily. It was a small book called ASADAYOO'S AND ALL ABOUT THEM. The next one was from Argus Filch, Jeans brother. It was a new quill, with a note attached saying: Something practical.The next one was from Snape it was a new satchel. As the one Jean had was always breaking. Jean put her new quill in her new bag, and slid the new book under her pillow, where no one would see it. She then made her way down for breakfast.
The Great Hall was buzzing. People were everywhere, testing new toys and yelling and screaming. The teachers were trying to calm everyone but it was no use. "CALM DOWN!" Shrieked Professor Pikaloo. Jean quickly ate her food, before hurriedly leaving for some peace. The noise had given her a terrible headache.    
Christmas was gone as soon as it arrived, classes were back and everyone was waiting for the holidays. Jean was bored. She had finished her Asadayoo book and the homework had increased rapidly. The Slytherin common room was always buried under a layer of crumpled parchments and broken quills. 
Time whizzed by. Jean hardly ever knew what day it was or what the date was. It seemed that an hour had passed, but somehow Jean found herself lining up for the Hogwarts express. The end of term feast had finished, and now it was time to leave Hogwarts. 
As Jean scrambled into the Hogwarts Express, she remembered her year. It had been a good and eventful one. She was sad it was finished.

This story was written by Mudga.
I hope you liked it!



  1. I read this to my sister Katie:
    "It was really good, well done! This was my first story on this blog!" Says Katie

  2. Thank's for this story! I am so excited to read it! I have just gotten into Harry Potter so yeah!

  3. This story is simply AMAZING! I loved the character Jean and her friendship with Lily and I'm glad it got resolved!

    1. Your welcome! Keep up the good writing! Can't wait to read more of your stories in the future!

    2. Yes! I am currently writing a few stories! Will be publishing them soon :)

    3. Ooooo well I'm already looking forward to them!


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