Harry got out of bed and got dressed i hate Mondays he thought to himself. The first day of the school week was the only day his two brothers were allowed a coffee. Harry went out the front door and rode his bike to the nearest cafe. He was supposed to go to the one 15 minutes away but only because his mum dad and two brothers were crazy about coffee and needed the best stuff. He ordered the coffee and rode his bike home when he got through the door he was bombarded with questions by his older brother James. "Did you get me a triple shot iced latte" he yelled in harry s ear "yes "he answered. "Good" he said in a quieter voice he took his coffee from Harry's hand and walked of. Later that day after school his mum and dad weren't by the gate in the family car. "Where do you think they are" he asked his other brother jack the middle child "dunno" he said. Well why don't we go get some fish and chips". "Sounds good to me" Harry said. Just as Harry finished talking a giant hole appeared around the three and they went sliding down a huge tunnel. Harry had his eyes closed the whole time so when they shot out of the tunnel the light from where ever they were made harry open his eyes he caught a glimpse of green trees and blue water. But then his two brothers were caught in separate nets and were pulled in separate directions. Harry didn't have time to see where they went because he was caught in his own net he was pulled west he thought but that was the last thing that went through his mind because he crashed into the ground the last thing that Harry saw before he slipped unconscious were two giant webbed feet.




  1. Oooh thats so exciting!! I can't wait for the second part!!


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