First flight


 I am writing in my diary and yes you think that it is weird for an owl to have a diary but let me tell you something about myself I am not a normal owl. Let me explain. I am scared of flying because what if my wings failed in mid flight or what if i hit a tree and fell to the ground unconscious. I am more of the stay at home and read a book or watch a movie with my family. My name is Skittles and since I was born my family has told me that I was very careful. While my brothers and sisters were playing I was reading while my family was outside I was inside. See what I mean I just prefer to be safe you know the saying "better safe than sorry" that is my motto for life. Now the picture above is me and my father Max you can clearly see that I am nervous my Father was teaching me and my siblings to fly. I obviously did not want to do it because I prefer to be safe but there I was sitting on the branch nervously twirling my wings. My two sisters and three brothers had already had there turn and my Father had just told them that they did very good. One thing that you need to know about my family is that they have high expectations for everyone so you can imagine what they think about me.  Anyway my Father had just turned to me and said "alright Skittles your turn".  I nervously looked down at the grass below "it's an awfully long way down papa" I said. "Don't worry you'll do great remember just look ahead and land on that branch". I looked at the branch about ten meters away "okay" I muttered. I spread out my wings took a deep breath and leaped from the branch. Most stories have tales of people overcoming there fears this is not one of those stories. As I leaped from the branch I realized I wasn't going to make it "papa" I yelled "don't worry just pull up if you need to".  Now look the one thing that I am good at is reading. So I pulled out my book of how to fly and just as i found the right page on emergency landings I crashed headfirst into the branch. It was VERY PAINFUL but I lived and guess what I only broke my beak that is what I would call a win. Now i am in my home with my family lying on the couch holding up signs with writing on them telling my family what they need. "Don't worry my dad had said we'll try again tomorrow. One this is clear I am never ever ever flying again. 



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