Jemiah plus Judah

There once was a boy called Judah 

Who loved to play the computer
He went to the mall 
And bought a soccer ball
And that was the end of the computer

There was once a girl called Jemiah
Who loved to play with fire
She burnt her thumb
And fell on her bum
Which then put out the fire


  1. Whilst scrutinizing this piece of divine art, I came to see, and therefore believe, that my brain cells are nothing compared to the extravagant size and depth of your phenomenal brains. This remarkable and breathtaking piece of literature takes my breath away and teaches us a true life lesson not to play with fire, or other such dangerous and threatening things even though fire is a true blessing and without it our ancestors would not have been able to carry on living in this tumultuous and treacherous world. My brains, which are truly nothing, wither in your magnificent presence. My brains have come to terms with floccinaucinihilipilification (the estimation of something as worthless). My small intelligence really is worthless. This also teaches us that there are better things than computers and technology, such as exercise in this futuristic world, filled with inconsequential screens. My hair stands on end and my fingers twitch as I continue to marvel at this engaging and truly beautiful piece of art that teaches us so many valuable lessons for this terrible and traumatic life. The latter part of the two poems teaches us that posteriors are truly useful in every-day life. This has challenged me to be thankful for every part of this life, except for the terrible things that actually make up most of this life. And therefore, in the presence of your awing and incredibly inspiring piece of literature, my feet tingle and brain bursts with the inspiration that your works of art have flooded upon us. May every living soul and being on this torn-apart earth come to know the immense depth and knowledge of your ever-growing brains. Thank you for blessing us with this delightful, meaningful and charming work.

  2. This was funny and entertaining Great Job!


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