A Warning

They say life is easy,

they say its awfully breezy,

but what they don't tell you is this;

you must be strong, otherwise you might go amiss, 

They dont warn you of the perils, 

of the dogs or of the ferrils, 

that crowd your thoughts and minds!

They don't mention the night, which covers you like blinds, 

they don't mention the hardship, 

or of some peoples awful harshness,

they forget to tell you of the nightmares, 

or of the confusing world affairs!

They never warn you, of choosing whats right, 

like being kind or not picking a fight, 

they dont tell you of the sorrow, 

or warn you of what might happen tomorrow

they fail to mention the loneliness, 

or of some peoples unholiness! 

They want to help you of course, 

but they forget to wait and pause, 

and figure out what words to use,

making sure they dont confuse,

us little ones that need to know, 

that we are not flying solo. 

written by Mudga


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